Hay and Straw Directory

Product Filter
Web Farm/Company Contact City County Phone Cell Products
cloud_off Shawn's Hay Grinding Michael Sheen Brooklyn, Be Benton (319) 442-2138
cloud_off Shawn's Hay Grinding Inc. Shawn Ritter Keystone, IA Benton (319) 442-3138 (319) 310-6786 Alfalfa
cloud_off Canfield Family Farm Earl Canfield Dunkerson, IA BlackHawk (319) 259-0739 (319) 822-2506 Alfalfa Grass,Alfalfa/Grass,Grass Hay,Oat Straw
cloud_off Iaska Family Farms Randall Geiger Ames, IA Boone (515) 708-3421
cloud_off Susan Stevens Susan Stevens Sumner, IA Bremer (319) 231-3717 Alfalfa
cloud_off Wieland Farms Wayne Volkl Winthrop, IA Buchanan (319) 329-9720 Alfalfa Grass Wrapped
cloud_off Williams Organic Farm, Inc. David Williams Storm Lake, Io Buena Vista (712) 299-5120 Alfalfa - 2nd cutting,Alfalfa- 1st cutting
cloud_off Rupiper Grinding LLC Kellee Rupiper Carroll, IA Carroll (712) 882-2329 (712) 830-4809
cloud_off Bower Farm Brian Bower Massena, Io Cass (712) 779-0032 (712) 779-0032
cloud_off Bower Farm Brian Bower Massena, Io Cass (712) 779-0032 (712) 779-0032
cloud_off Briam Bower Briam Bower Massena, IA Cass (712) 779-2232 (712) 779-0032 Alfalfa,Grass
cloud_off Blue Knoll Farm Steve Leazer Wilton, IA Cedar (563) 357-3747 Alfalfa,Bean Straw
cloud_off Ricky C. Wulff Ricky Wulff Clarence, IA Cedar (563) 452-3495 Alfalfa/Orchard Grass
cloud_off Faught Family Farms Robin Faught Clear Lake, IA Cerro Gordo (641) 420-7403 Alfalfa,Grass
cloud_off Rooney Farms Jeff Rooney Sheffield, IA Cerro Gordo (641) 425-5333 Alfalfa
cloud_off Odessa Straw & Hay Inc. Lynn Springmier New Hampton, IA Chickasaw (319) 415-5388 Alfalfa,Alfalfa Mix,Grass,Wheat Straw
cloud_off D. Bart Griffith D. Bart Griffith Osceola, IA Clarke (641) 342-3141 Brome/Clover
cloud_off J & M Lamair Farms Mike Lamair Des Moines, IA Clarke (515) 249-9453 Mixed Grass Hay
cloud_off Greg Wood Greg Wood Greenville, IA Clay (712) 260-5691 (712) 260-5692 Alfalfa Orchard Grass
cloud_off Eddie’s Black Angus LLC Karson Smith DeWitt, IA Clinton (563) 503-9179
cloud_off Miller Family Farm Scott Miller Delmar, IA Clinton (563) 508-6625 (563) 355-5258
cloud_off Miller Family Farm Jack Miller Delmar, IA Clinton (563) 355-5258 (563) 209-3908 alfalfa, Grass
cloud_off BC Auction Bill Campidilli Bouton, IA Dallas (515) 371-9856 (515) 321-5765 All Types
cloud_off Gingerich Forage Mervin Gingerich Bloomfield, IA Davis (641) 722-3047 Alfalfa,Brome & Grass,Mixed Hay,Wheat Straw
cloud_off NowAfarm Neal Nowacki Bloomfield, IA Davis (641) 208-0649 (641) 208-0649 Organic Alfalfa/grass,Organic Mixed grass/Trefoil
cloud_off Prevo Farms Kevin Prevo Bloomfield, IA Davis (641) 208-7588 (641) 208-7588 Rye,Wheat or Rye
cloud_off Landrum Farms Judy Landrum Lineville, IA Decatur (641) 414-3973 (641) 876-6125 Brome/Timothy/Orchard Grass/Trefoil/Clover
cloud_off Mardoft Farms Les Mardoft Hopkinton, IA Delaware (319) 480-9343 Alfalfa/Grass
cloud_off Ryan Bros. Inc. Michael Ryan Ryan, IA Delaware (563) 920-9273 (563) 608-2645 Alfalfa Haylage
cloud_off Walfort Farms Inc Bill Fortin Danville, IA Des Moines (319) 392-4775 (319) 457-0303 Alfalfa,Grass,Mixed
cloud_off Don Wolfe Don Wolfe Worthington, IA Dubuque (563) 542-9347 (563) 542-9348 2nd Alfalfa,3rd Alfalfa
cloud_queue Dyersville Hay Company Randy Hess Dyersville, IA Dubuque (563) 875-2481 (563) 599-1793 All Varieties
cloud_queue Dyersville Sales Co Dale Leslein Dyersville, IA Dubuque (563) 875-2481
cloud_off Rea Farm & Trucking Tony or Dave Rea Bernard, IA Dubuque (563) 580-9156 (563) 877-3588 Straw
cloud_off Rea Trucking & Straw Sales Tony Rea Bernard, Io Dubuque (563) 580-9156 (563) 580-9156 Wheat
cloud_off Wayne Koehler Wayne Koehler Charles City, IA Floyd (641) 330-0536 Alfalfa/orchard grass mix,Oat straw
cloud_off Harms Farms Dennis Harms APLINGTON, IA Grundy (319) 347-2866 (319) 269-9507 Grass
cloud_off Dale Borg Dale Borg Forest City, IA Hancock (641) 581-5775 Straw
cloud_off Roger Knutson Roger Knutson Hubbard, IA Hardin (515) 689-0570 (515) 689-0570 1st cut Alfalfa,2nd cut Alfalfa
cloud_off Twin Hills Farms Isaac Knutson Hubbard, IA Hardin (515) 689-9919
cloud_off S3KJ Hay Co. Shane Wiese Holstein, IA Ida (712) 253-1373 (712) 251-4477 Alfalfa
cloud_off Robert Welsh Neil Welsh Williamsburg, IA Iowa (319) 530-5431 (319) 330-2405 Alfalfa/grass,Oat Hay,Straw
cloud_off Rahn Family Farms Annette Rahn Sabula, IA Jackson (815) 499-0463
cloud_off Dan Walker Dan Walker Fairfield, IA Jefferson (641) 954-2200 (641) 954-2200 Alfalfa/Grass/Clover,Straw,Straw (wheat)
cloud_off Ed Nelson Ed Nelson Lockridge, IA Jefferson (641) 233-7167 Alfalfa - 1 cutting,Alfalfa - 2nd cutting,Alfalfa - 3rd cutting,Alfalfa - 4th cutting
cloud_off Hickenbottom Exp Farms Steven Hickenbottom Fairfield, IA Jefferson (641) 209-2038 Wheat & Grass
cloud_off Brad Dvorsky Brad Dvorsky Solon, IA Johnson (319) 631-0194 (319) 631-0194 Wheat Straw
cloud_off Eric Heick Eric Heick West Branch, IA Johnson (563) 559-6899 (319) 643-5838 Clover/Alfalfa Grass,Oat Straw
cloud_off Kansas Acres Tim Rogers Oxford, IA Johnson (319) 331-6887 Rye Straw
cloud_off Valley Creek Farms, LLC Doug Black Solon, IA Johnson (319) 480-7751 Alfalfa,Grass
cloud_queue Kaufman Farms Nathan Kaufman Anamosa, IA Jones (319) 821-3246 grass alfalfa mixed; also teff grass,straw, teff grass, mixed grass
cloud_off Klein Farms David Klein Sigourney, IA Keokuk (641) 660-2077 1st cutting grass,2nd cutting alfalfa,2nd cutting grass,3rd cutting alfalfa
cloud_off MJF Farms LLC Mark Fehr West Bend, IA Kossuth (712) 358-2216 Alfalfa Bailage,Oat Straw
cloud_off Bunting Farm Bob Bunting Mt. Vernon, Io Linn (319) 551-1995 (319) 551-1995 alfalfa hay 2nd 3rd crop
cloud_off Richard R Reisner Richard Reisner Cedar Rapids, IA Linn (319) 365-8937 Grass
cloud_off Baur Farms, Inc James Baur Van Meter, Io Madison (515) 710-0191 Alfalfa,Grass
cloud_off Chuck Tibben Chuck Tibben St. Charles, IA Madison (515) 249-7788 (641) 396-2870 Alfalfa/Grass,Grass,Wheat & Rye Straw
cloud_off Feuring Hay Company Wade Feuring Winterset, IA Madison (515) 208-8713 (515) 208-8713 Alfalfa/Orchard/Timothy,Alfalfa/Timothy/Orchard,Brome/Orchard
cloud_off James Baur James Baur Van Meter, IA Madison (515) 710-0191 Alfalfa,Grass
cloud_off Jackson or Tom Drost Jackson or Tom Drost New Sharon, IA Mahaska (641) 660-5767 (641) 660-0016 Alfalfa
cloud_off Anderson Farms Dan Anderson MARSHALLTOWN, IA Marshall (641) 485-3509 Alfalfa,Grass
cloud_off Skoland Hay Jason Skoland Clemons, IA Marshall (712) 331-1017 (712) 331-1017 Grass
cloud_off Reid Klapperich Reid Klapperich Stacyville, IA Mitchell (641) 737-2548 Alfalfa/Grass,Straw
cloud_off Reid's Hay & Straw Reid Klapperich Stacyville, IA Mitchell (641) 737-2548 Alfalfa/Grass,Straw
cloud_off Sonberg Farms, LLC Shawn Sonberg Osage, IA Mitchell (641) 330-1746 (641) 330-1746 Alfalfa Grass,Alfalfa Grass Balage 60% moisture
cloud_off Luke Masters Luke Masters Blencoe, IA Monona (712) 880-0809 (712) 880-0809
cloud_off Matt Genasci Matt Genasci Grain Valley, MO OOS (816) 443-2177 (816) 686-4425 Alfalfa/Brome Grass,Brome,Mixed Grass
cloud_off Rahn Family Farm Annette Rahn Mt. Carroll, IL OOS (815) 499-0463 Alfalfa,Alfalfa Bailage,Alfalfa/Timothy mix,Timothy/Grass Mix,Wheat Straw
cloud_off Spring Valley Farm Carl Phillips Shenandoah, IA Page (712) 370-7963 (712) 370-7963 Alfalfa/Orchard Grass
cloud_off David Milbrodt David Milbrodt Hinton, IA Plymouth (712) 251-2835 Bean Straw
cloud_off Kolbeck Inc. Hay Grinding & Hauling Wayne Kolbeck Le Mars, IA Plymouth (712) 546-6746 Alfalfa
cloud_off Cory Family Farm Mary Ellen Cory Elkhart, IA Polk (515) 257-0726 Oat Straw
cloud_off Miller Hay Company Matthew Miller Silver City, IA Pottawattamie (712) 355-1893 (712) 525-1131 Alfalfa
cloud_off Wadsley Farm Roy Wadsley Nemaha, IA Sac (712) 660-8525 Alfafa,Alfalfa
cloud_off Dean Mikels Farm Dean Mikels Portsmouth, IA Shelby (712) 579-9302 Alfalfa/Grass
cloud_queue Rock Valley Hay Auction Co. Paul McGill Rock Valley, IA Sioux (712) 476-5541 (712) 470-1274 all types of hay - alfalfa, grass straw etc.
cloud_off Austin Carlson Farm Austin Carlson Story CIty, IA Story (515) 203-3515 (515) 203-3515 100% Alfalfa
cloud_off Brekke Farms LLC Randy Brekke Ames, IA Story (515) 290-2479 (515) 290-2479 Jerry
cloud_off Ehm Farms Edwin Ehm Afton, IA Union (641) 346-2268 (641) 202-6487 Alfalfa/Brome/Clover /Orchard Grass/Timothy,Oat Straw
cloud_off Colin Johnson Colin Johnson Batavia, IA Wapello (641) 934-5350 (515) 291-9287 Alfalfa/Clover/Orchard,Grass,Oat Straw,Orchard/Alfalfa/Clover
cloud_off Eldon Appenzeller Eldon Appenzeller Indianola, IA Warren Alfalfa/Orchard Grass,Rye Grass
cloud_off Quail Hollow Farm Richard Krumme Prole, IA Warren (515) 371-1187 (515) 371-1187 Alfalfa,Grass Hay,Orchard Grass
cloud_off Stephen Schurman Stephen Schurman Lacona, IA Warren (641) 534-4180 (641) 414-3227 Alfalfa,Grass Hay
cloud_queue Sunnyside Farms Troy Thompson Forest City, IA Winnebago (641) 581-3636 (641) 590-2167 Alfalfa,Oat Straw/Alfalfa
cloud_off Fort Atkinson Hay Carl Shirk Fort Atkinson, IA Winneshiek (563) 534-7513 Alfalfa etc